Blue Planet Multi Cure is an Australian made aquarium product. It is used for the treatment of white spot, velvet disease, and fungal diseases in aquarium fish. Active ingredients: 0.4mg/ml Malachite Green; 4mg/ml Methylene Blue; 2mg/ml Acriflavine.
Blue Planet Multi Cure is a broad spectrum medication for use as an aid in the treatment of the following common diseases in freshwater (cold water and tropical) aquarium fish: White spot (Ichthyophthirius Multiifilis), Velvet Disease (Oodinium spp), and Fungal Disease.
The treatment rate is 5ml per 20L. For Tetras, Small Fish, Baby Fish and Scaleless Fish the treatment rate is 5ml per 40L.
The treatment is repeated after 3 days.
Suitable For: Goldfish & Freshwater Tropical